Access to education granted
A few months ago eight youngsters in Grade 11 and residing in Soweto and Westbury received smart phones to enable them to catch up on their school work.
They had a chance to conclude this year successfully. This initiative was stage two of a process of empowerment of school going children in the care of Abraham Kriel Bambanani. The first objective had been completed, which was to make sure that all Grade 12’s had electronic access to learning material.
In South Africa the plight of the poor became a stark reality during lockdown as they simply do not have the access to technology that most school children relied on to keep up with their curriculum.
A number of donors and sponsors saw the need and provided funds for phones and data. These Grade 11 learners had one of the most damaging discriminatory realities eliminated from their lives.
They had access to educational material and online lessons, which gave them the same advantage as their more affluent peers.
Youngsters were working hard during the pandemic although it has was not easy for them to catch up with their school curriculum at first. The support of Childcare givers emotionally and academically contributed to the learners’ progress.
They kept in touch with the learners at first telephonically, but as the lockdown eased, they managed to visit the children and offer assistance where they could.
This is how these young people responded:
“I am very thankful for the phone. I really appreciate the help. I will use this phone for my educational work and also make sure I take good care of it” – Thabo.
“I was very excited to receive this phone. I am happy that I will be able to access the internet, do my research and projects whenever I need to. Many thanks to the donors and sponsors for the phone. I really appreciate it” – Steven.
“I will always be thankful for what you have done for me. I promise to use this phone wisely. Thank you once again” – Thando.
“I was so excited when I received this phone. This will actually help me a lot with my education and also help me keep in touch with family and friends. Thank you for this wonderful gift” – Lufuno.
Thank you for the donations and for making sure our beneficiaries’ educational needs are fulfilled.
Om te kan leer
‘n Paar maande gelede het agt Graad 11 leerders elk ‘n slimfoon ryker geword met die verwagting dat dit hulle in staat sal stel om toegang te kry tot hulle skoolwerk. Hulle woon in Soweto en Westbury en is amptelik deel van die twee programme wat AKB bedryf. Hulle is inderdaad beter daaraan toe, want dit het hulle ‘n redelike kans gegee om die jaar suksesvol te voltooi.
Dit is die 2de fase van ‘n bemagtigingsprogram vir skoolgaande kinders in die sorg van Abraham Kriel Bambanani se gemeenskapsprogramme. Die 1ste fase was om Graad 12 leerders toegang te gee tot aanlyn leer.
In Suid-Afrika het die strak realitiet van minderbevoorregte kinders die samelewing direk gekonfronteer. Die kinders het eenvoudig nie toegang gehad tot tegnologie nie en hulle vermoë om op datum te bly met skoolwerk is daardeur heeltemal in die wiele gery.
‘n Aantal donateurs en borge het die behoefte duidelik herken en het die nodige fondse vir slimfone en data voorsien. Vir hierdie paar Graad 11 leerders is een van die mees vernietigende realitiete uit hulle weg geruim. Hulle het toegang gekry tot opvoedkundige materiaal en aanlyn klasse, wat hulle toegang tot skoolwerk kon gee wat vergelykbaar is met hulle meer welvarende eweknieë.
Hierdie jongmense het baie hard gewerk tydens die grendeltyd, al was dit nie maklik om hulle werk in te haal en op standaard te kom met die skool se curriculum nie. Kinderversorgers het baie gehelp om die jongmense emosioneel en akademies by te staan. Hulle het kontak behou; aanvanklik per telefoon, maar later kon huisbesoeke weer hervat word.
Hier is ‘n paar van die kinders se respons op die hulp wat hulle gekry het:
“Ek is baie dankbaar vir die foon. I waardeer regtig die hulp. Ek sal die foon gebruik vir my skoolwerk en ek sal mooi daarna kyk” – Thabo.
“Ek was baie opgewonde toe ek die foon kry. Ek is baie gelukkig dat ek op die internet kan werk en daar my navorsing kan doen en my projekte kan afhandel. Baie dankie aan al die donateurs en borge wat die foon gegee het. Ek waardeer dit regtig baie” – Steven.
“Ek sal altyd dankbaar bly vir wat julle vir my gedoen het. Ek belowe om die foon goed te gebruik. Weereens baie dankie.” – Thando.
“Die foon het my baie opgewonde gemaak. Dit gaan my regtig baie help met my opvoeding en ook om in kontak te kan bly met familie en vriende. Dankie vir die wonderlike geskenk” – Lufuno.
Ons is dankbaar vir elke donasie wat kinders help om hulle opvoedkundige doelwitte te bereik.