A Family’s Hope
Zola is a section of Soweto notorious for being a hub of criminal activity. It is home to many families who are faced with many social ills such as the HIV/AIDS pandemic, poverty, unemployment and worst of all…no one expects much from the youth of this community. The Extended Family Programme is working towards changing the mindsets of the community and youth in this area. All this, with your help.

For the past eight years or so, you’ve made sure that:
- She has a school uniform,
- food to eat,
- is able to attend school
- and has a support system that is able to take care of her mental and emotional well-being.
Amanda Radebe (pseudonym) is 17 and is one of our home-based care beneficiaries. She grew up with her maternal family and does not know her father. Amanda lives with her mother, grandfather, aunt, siblings and cousins and all are unemployed. But, this young lady is determined to change her family’s situation and she is well on her way to doing just that.
Amanda matriculated with three distinctions in Accounting, Business Studies and Life Orientation from Kwadedangendlale High School. For her hard work, she was treated to a lunch outing with her peers and received a laptop and speakers for being a top achiever at the school. This young lady is ready to take on the next chapter of her life. Amanda will be studying towards a BCom in Law at the University of Johannesburg and will be funded by NSFAS.
Asked what motivates her, Amanda replied: “Looking at my situation at home, I can see that I have no time to waste. I need to focus so that I can bring light and hope home and change our situation for the better”.
We wish Amanda all the best and look forward to her graduation day. And we will be front and center the day she fulfils her dream of opening her own law firm.
Amanda is one of many that you have helped to realise a dream and you continue to do the same for others.
Imagine the difference that was made through your investment in this single life. Amanda’s family will be uplifted once she achieves her dreams. Her peers and other youngsters in the community may lift their heads and recognise potential in their lives too. And most of all her offspring will most definitely have a better start in life.
‘n Gesin se hoop
Zola is a woonbuurt in Soweto wat berug is vir sy kriminele aktiwiteit. Vir vele gesinne wat hier woon is maatskaplike kwessies soos die MIV/Vigs pandemie, armoede, en werkloosheid ‘n daaglikse werklikheid. Ergste van alles is dat die jeug geensins verwagtings het om iets te bereik nie. Die “Extended Family” program in Soweto werk om die ingesteldheid van die gemeenskap en die jeug in die gebied te verander. Dit gebeur alles met u hulp.
Vir die laaste ongeveer agt jaar het u die volgende verseker:
- Dat sy ‘n skooluniform het
- Dat sy kos het om te eet
- Dat sy skool bywoon
- En dat sy ‘n ondersteuningstelsel het wat na haar emosionele en verstandelike welsyn omsien.
Amanda Radebe (skuilnaam) is 17 en is op een van ons tuisversorgings-programme. Sy het grootgeword by haar ma se familie en ken nie haar pa nie. Sy woon by haar ma, oupa, tannie en boeties en sussies. Almal is werkloos. Die jong dame is egter vasbeslote om haar gesin se omstandighede te verander en sy is goed oppad om juis dit te bereik.
Amanda slag matriek met drie onderskeidings, in Boekhouding, Besigheidstudies en Lewensorientering by die Kwadedangendlale Hoërskool. Haar skoolmaats beloon haar met ‘n spesiale middagete by ‘n restaurant vir haar harde werk. Maar sy ontvang ook ‘n skootrekenaar met luidsprekers as top student by haar skool. Die jonge dame is gereed vir die volgende hoofstuk in haar lewe. Amanda gaan B.Com Regte studeer by die Universiteit van Johannesburg en sal befonds word deur NSFAS.
Op die vraag wat haar motiveer andwoord Amanda: “Kyk na die omstandighede by my huis. Ek kan nie tyd mors nie. Ek moet fokus sodat ek lig en hoop huistoe kan bring en ons situasie kan verbeter.”
Ons wens Amanda net die beste toe en sien uit na die dag wat sy gradueer. Ons wil voor in die ry sit die dag wat sy haar droom verwesentlik om haar eie regsfirma te open.
Amanda is maar een van vele wat u gehelp het en wat u steeds help om hulle drome te verwesentlik.
Kan u die vermenigvuldigingseffek indink van die verandering wat u moontlik gemaak het in die jong vrou se lewe. Sodra sy haar potensiaal bereik, sal haar hele gesin toegang hê tot ‘n beter lewe. Ander jongmense sal geinspireer word om beter te doen en om werk te vind. Die generasies wat na haar gaan kom gaan almal ‘n beter wegspringplek in die lewe hê.